We are a non-profit organization in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Through inclusive volunteer activities, as a support group for companies and local communities, we are trusted by both local residents and foreigners.


Through activities rooted in the community, we aim to help the Japanese economy develop, and to create a bright, prosperous, livable society.


★ To create a society in which working and resident foreigners can spend their lives comfortably at work and in their daily lives.

★ To create a city that is bright and energetic, where foreign residents and Japanese residents coexist in harmony and respect.

★ To create a nurturing community, by understanding the perspective of the lonely, sometimes helpless foreigner.

★ To create a healthy and happy place where anyone, no matter how weak, can find relief and assistance.

Support for major multicultural coexistence 

★ Support for brushing up Japanese conversation skills

★ We support trouble consultation of work, everyday life

★ Organization for problem solving, network with professional institutions

★ Support for communication with Japanese society

★ Support for Japanese culture and multicultural exchange

What we cherish in activity

★ Japanese conversation salon

・We will do our best to help you brush up your Japanese language skills and help your daily life, work and communication.

★ Event business

・We support a place of interaction that respects diverse cultures and identities.

・Through cultural exchange projects, we support the spread of Japanese culture and sound multicultural coexistence.

★ Consultation salon

・I will do my best for the troubles in daily life and work.

・We connect CINGA (NPO international exchange activity citizen center) and a network, and respond in a friendly manner in 11 languages.